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Hours (in 365 days) with at least one RBN spot: 2528 (6.9h / day). EU: 10, NA: 455, AS: 2340, SA: 1, AF: 0, OC: 105. Beacon rank: 131

BandActive hours
160m 2
80m 114
40m 1794
30m 984
20m 17
17m 15
15m 20
12m 2
10m 2
2m 3
Activity vs. Time (UTC) [hover mouse over bar to see band]

Generate this report for any call: - FAQ - Data Removal - etc. - You can generate joint reports for two calls, e.g. SO5CW+DJ5CW

Note: This is not a proper callsign. T2DE is the prosign <DO> (which initiates Japanese Wabun code) sent with wrong spacing, plus DE. Skimmer spots appear if a station calls CQ DO DE JA... but does not use exact spacing, i.e. sends CQ T2DE JA....

Daily activity is measured by the number of active hour slots (24) times band slots (13, 160m - 2m incl. WARC and 60m) and the number of continents in which a skimmer spotted the station in the respective hour, for a maximum daily score of 24 * (13 + 6) = 456. When filtering by band, the continent information is omitted, because it's only saved once per hour slot, not per band.

Click a single day on the heatmap to see its details.

You can embed the statistics on your own website or profile on HamQTH/ by copying the following HTML snippet: (example: DJ5CW on - Click here for details.)

<a href=""><img src=""></a>